List of 8 Summer Season Fruits to Try When Visiting Ambergris Caye, Belize

Spring is here and summer is fast approaching.  In Belize, like many places, it means the school kids are getting antsy – ready to head out to play in the sea, the temperature is rising just a bit and it is fruit season!

Check out our Six Top Reasons to Visit Belize This Summer.  Now you “foodies” can add fruit sampling to the list!

The warm climate and sunny days mean many Belize fruits are available here year-round. Local bananas, delicious oranges, pineapple, papaya and more are always available but in the summer, the seasonal, more delicate and definitely more exotic fruits start hitting the fruit stands.  Here’s a list of eight summer fruits to try when you visit Ambergris Caye in the spring and summer season.

1.  Sapodilla

Sapodilla belizeA bit like a hard kiwi on the outside but it is soft and juicy on the inside.  The sapodilla tastes a bit like a pear and a bit like caramel.  Delicious.

2.  Soursop (Guanabana)

This fruit is very popular in Belize but mostly as an ice cream flavor.  You’ll see soursop ice cream on every single local ice cream menu.  Try it!

soursop ice cream

It tastes a bit like strawberries…a bit like citrus but mostly like Starburst candy.  When you can find it fresh, it’s just delicious.


3.  Dragonfruit (Pitaya)

This fruit grows on a large cactus and is gorgeous- both color and flavor.  Juicy and sweet.  Almost like a honeydew melon.  Almost…

It grows in pink and white.  In Belize, we most often see the gorgeous pink.


4.  Mango

Summer is the season when the mainland of Belize explodes with gorgeous mangoes of all varieties.  Try to get your hands on as many as possible.  Fresh, in smoothies, in a mango-colada.  You won’t be sorry.


5.  Custard Apple (Cherimoya)

Mmmmm….perhaps my favorite.  This one is true to its name and tastes like…dessert.  Mark Twain called it “the most delicious fruit known to men”.  Now that’s an endorsement!

Yes, you’ve seen more beautiful fruit but cut this open, grab a spoon and scoop out the pink center.  Delicious.

custard apple6.  Kinep

These are sold by the bag and look like small limes.  Peel away the skin and there is a translucent, juicy little fruit around a large seed.  It’s a bit of work but worth it.  Especially on a warm day.

Kinep – Photo from

7.  Starfruit

Exported starfruit can be quite…tasteless.  Beautiful as a garnish but something that you might quietly push to the side of the plate.  Here in Belize, they are tasty, bright and citrusy.

starfruit8.  Mamey

Am I allowed to pick another favorite?  If so, I LOVE MY MAMEY!  This fruit is pronounced “mah-may” or mommy.  A rough, brown outside cut down the middle reveals this gorgeous salmon colored fruit.  Creamy and sweet, it almost tastes like pumpkin pie.  I love it chilled.

mameyThere are more.  Ask at the fruit stand.  “What is that?”  “Is it ripe?”  For only a few dollars or less, you can be a bit adventurous and try something new.  And maybe find a new favorite.

These summer fruits are just another fun way to experience Belize.