San Pedro Carnaval 2013

Belize loves to celebrate and Carnaval is a good one to put on your to do list.

Carnaval in San Pedro, is an annual event held on the three days before Ash Wednesday. This year Carnaval 2013 was extended to a 5 day island fiesta running February 9th – 13th. Scheduled events included a masquerade & block party, live performances & music, karaoke, carnival comparsas, dance presentation & awards ceremony

It is fun to watch the carnival comparsas dancing through the streets of San Pedro in their colorful costumes, men dress like women and the women like men. There are also community comparsas which are organized to raise funds for school’s and other worthy causes.

You will also see kids of all ages painting each other and some enjoy throwing eggs too.  If you plan to go out on the town for the painting fun, we recommend that you wear old clothes. In general if you don’t want to be painted say no and you’ll be left alone.

carnaval belize
2013 Carnaval party San Pedro Belize
carnival in belize
Painted kids
 carnival comparsas downtown san pedro

Carnival Comparsas
carnaval belize
Painted at Carnival party
belize photos images
Painted kids chasing each other through Central Park
belize celebration
Carnival Comparsas